Worship at St Peter’s is a vital and integral part of our school day and Christian distinctiveness.
We are lucky to welcome representatives of The Methodist Church and Church of England to lead our worship most Tuesdays. We also light our focus candle and say our liturgy at the start of worship:
Reflection time at the end of worship is given for pupils and staff to have a moment of quiet and reflective time. We conclude our worship with our closing liturgy:
The altar is the focal point in the Hall for our worship, with a change of liturgical colours throughout the year.
The rest of the week consists of another whole school worship, class worship and singing assembly. These are led by Mr Smith or Mr Baykaa-Murray and the rest of the staff.
We follow the ‘Values for Life’ materials and themes which are shared by the school and support our ethos and aims. We always refer to our three main values of Care, Love and Hope.
This year (2023 -2024) our values are as follows:
Term 1 – Generosity
Term 2 – Respect
Term 3 – Perseverance
Term 4 – Wisdom
Term 5 – Responsibility
Term 6 – Service
We also link our British Values of Tolerance, Respect, Individual Liberty, Rule of Law and Democracy to the themes as well over the year.
All children participate in worship unless parents withdraw their children from this.