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The Friends of St Peter's run regular second hand uniform sales. The next sale will take place on Monday 6th February at the end of the school day.

Our school uniform, including sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts can be purchased via our uniform provider Price & Buckland We do have a small supply of some very small sizes of sweatshirts and cardigans at the school so please check our stock via the office before you purchase online. Other items of uniform skirts, trousers, polo shirts, PE kits etc. can be purchased from supermarkets including Asda, Tesco and Sainsbury’s and High Street stores.

Please note that uniform orders placed online can be delivered to the school with no delivery charge.  If you prefer your order to be delivered to your home address a delivery charge will apply. The option to select free delivery to school appears right at the end of the transaction when you are making payment for your items.

All children will require a pair of wellingtons or old shoes/trainers to be brought in when their class is making use of the outdoor area.


Skirt/pinafore (knee Length) or trousers/shorts in black or grey, (NO tracksuit bottoms or leggings)        

Black or grey tights/socks

White shirt/blouse/polo shirt          

School sweatshirt/cardigan               

Flat black shoes or black trainers (No visible logos on black trainers or Boots)

Sun cap

Green and white checked gingham summer dress or playsuit (optional in the summer)

Hair longer than collar length must be tied back


PE Kit

White T-Shirt - no buttons or logos             

Black or grey shorts

Dark tracksuit bottoms or leggings – no logos (for outside games sessions in the winter)

Black daps or trainers (any colour)

Any earring that cannot be removed must be taped up

Please ensure items are clearly marked with your child’s name - Please label everything!



No jewellery to be worn apart from studded earrings or a watch.

No Smartwatches or toy watches are to be worn. (Basic fitness trackers are allowed, e.g no games)

Make up and nail polish is NOT allowed.