Family Support
Being a parent can often be tricky – children’s sleeping patterns, behaviours, homework, eating and changes to family circumstances are just some of the difficulties many families may face. All of the staff St Peter’s are here to support you and your children during their time with us.
You can contact your child’s class teacher, our Deputy Mr Nic Baykaa-Murray or Executive Head Mr Paul Smith via the school email link office@stpetersprimary.co.uk or by leaving a message with the School Office. Mr Smith or Mr Baykaa-Murray will be available most mornings too when the school gates are open. We are here to help.
Useful Links
Mind You
A new website has been launched it is designed for parents and young people to help access information about mental health.
Local Support groups
South Gloucestershire has a number of support groups both run by the council and charities – South Gloucestershire Support Groups
OFSTED Parents View
Website: parentview.ofsted.gov.uk
Let us know what you think of our school. Just sign-in and answer a few simple questions.
Supportive Parents
The local Parent Partnership Service in South Gloucestershire. Supportive Parents are an independent organisation offering a free, confidential and impartial service to any parent who has a concern about their child’s education. Their aim is to provide you with all the information you need to understand the SEN process and improve your child’s education experience.
Information & Support Line is 0117 989 7725. It is available Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am – 2pm during term time, and an answer phone at all other times.
Website: www.supportiveparents.org.uk
Email: support@supportiveparents.org.uk
South Gloucestershire Local Coordinator: Kathryn Mason
If you have any concerns or worries about your child’s SEN provision call us!
South Glos Parents and Carers
South Glos Parents and Carers for families with children with additional needs and disability
Website: www.sglospc.org.uk