Pandas Breakfast Club and After School Club
St Peter’s Pandas operates for the sole use of St Peter’s Primary School pupils, on a first come, first served basis.
Bookings are made via the Arbor App, along with payment. Bookings for the whole term are preferable where possible.
If bookings are made and are not accompanied by a payment, St Peter’s Pandas reserve the right to cancel these bookings.
Emergency bookings may be made by telephone or email to the office.
Entry cannot be guaranteed if no booking has been made.
The expectation of the club is that all fees must be paid in advance of attendance at the club (on a termly basis if possible). Only in exceptional circumstances, and by request to the school office, are we able to book places without a payment being made.
Breakfast Club
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 – 8:40am (last serving of breakfast 8:30am)
Cost: Full session £5.50 per child this includes the cost of breakfast
Lesley Smyth
After School Club
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 3.20- 6.00pm
Full session £11.00 first child, £9.00 per sibling.
Short session (collection by 4.30pm or after a club-6.00pm) £8.50 first child, £6.50 per sibling.
Cost includes a drink and snack.
Lesley Smyth
Karen Clapp
Jemma Sheppard
Payment Details
Bookings must be made and paid for using the Arbor App. Please log in and follow the instructions in the guide below.
No refunds will be available, but credits will be provided for cancellations as follows:
- 100% credit for 72 hours’ notice, from day of change
- 0% credit for less than 72 hours’ notice
- Late payment of fees may incur an additional administration charge of £10.00
Contact Details
Please email office@stpetersprimary.co.uk or call the school office on 01454 631137 between 8.30am-3.30pm if you have any queries.